Thursday, September 27, 2007

nearing the end... day 19

wow. today was the most boring day ever. i did nothing. i read and played online. that's it. and i was cranky. and then there was a huge storm and the internet went out. but the seamstress came with my clothes today! and i feel pretty silly. i went kindof overboard on a bunch of stuff i'll probably never really wear. but it was fun and realtively cheap (just over $100 for fabric and making) and i will at least wear something new tomorrow. and i'm wearing my pj's now. but i feel dumb because i didn't notice the bottoms were sewn funny; all the fabric is vertical except one panel on the back! it looks silly! perfect for me, i guess. no worries. it's jammies. and everything fits pretty nice but i just realize none of it is really "me" (duh, right?). but nice none-the-less. i'm sure i'll actually wear a few things but i just feel buyer's remorse right now. anyway, after the trying on of my stuff for dooshima and gayathri we went for a traditional nigerian dinner of vegetable stew with fish and chicken and pounded yam. so they bring out the yam and it's molded into the shape of a meat pie and fairly firm. so you pull off a small chunk and roll it into a ball with your hand and then dip it into the stew and mash some of the greens and meat into the yam ball. and then you eat it! it's tasty in that "ethnic" palm oil way. but the bones! it kills me! i can't take any big full bites because i always get a mouth full of fish bones! but overall it was good and the girls loved that i ate it and didn't mind getting dirty and picking bones out of my teeth. and really that was it for today. i'm still kind of carnky for multiple reasons: i decided not to run because it was crapp out and i was tired (so i went back to sleep, ahhhh...), i did nothing useful today, my public library account has been blocked because of overdue books, i was hungry most of the day, my clothes were not really "me" and i didn't notice until after i paid for them, i feel fat, dinner was not what i'd call satasfying, and my pj's are rejects. it's just not my day. but tomorrow we're going to the pottery villiage and that should be fun! and i still have like $300 in naira that i have to get rid of so i don't lose money exchanging it back into us cash. and i still have my saturday to goof off all day if i want. and dooshima and i are going to dinner tomorrow at salamanders again which will be fun too. so at least i've got plans here at the end of it all! but the internet sucks today so i can't upload any pictures either but they're on snapfish if you want to see me eating and my goofball pj's.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a day, huh? Even in Nigeria! Well, the food looks good and the jammies are kinda cute & comfy looking. I'll have to see them in person. How's the workmanship? I do like the fabrics too. Well, tomorrow's another day..dinner, friends, fun and hopefully the internet!
Mom & Coach